Wasp Extermination

Struggling with a wasp problem? Call a wasp exterminator!

Having a wasp nest near your home can present immediate danger to your family. During active season, wasps reproduce at an accelerated pace, which is why a timely intervention is necessary. If you see a wasp buzzing around your home or business, and especially inside, chances are there is a nest close-by. The minute you suspect its presence, don’t wait for the situation to worsen, call a wasp exterminator immediately!

Even if the invaders are not around and visible at the moment of our visit, our wasp exterminator experts will locate them, study their activity, find the nest, and apply specific wasp extermination products, in a specific dosage, using specific techniques.

Exterminator Ottawa, premier wasp exterminator in the Ottawa region, uses the latest tools, technology and techniques in the extermination business. The residual insecticide that we apply after the main treatment continues to act for weeks, ensuring that the flying pests stay away. The products that we use are fully approved by Health Canada.

Exterminator Ottawa will eradicate your wasp problem, with respect to the environment and at a highly competitive price.

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Wasp Extermination

Wasp nests built in or around your home are a true nuisance to your quality of life. Wasps will bite when they feel threatened. Wasp stings become increasingly frequent as summer advances, and peak towards the end of the summer when the colony stops breeding new workers. The older workers then venture away from the nest in search of sugary foods, and are likely to come in contact with humans, who will try to chase them away. That’s when they sting.

Although one or even a few stings are not very dangerous, they are extremely painful. The danger becomes real when a person is allergic, or when children play around a wasp nest and expose themselves to the possibility of a great number of stings.

Our wasp exterminators are well taught in wasp behavioural activity. They know of all the common species found in the Canadian Shield and possess the knowledge and equipment to drive them away, making your home safe again.

Exterminator Ottawa Exterminator Ottawa Exterminator Ottawa

We operate in the entire region of Ottawa, at an unbeatable price. Our treatments are 100% guaranteed, for the whole season.

Call us today at 613 863-4439

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